The Ecodiversity Team

We (Martin and Lisa) have more than 40 years combined experience working in the environmental research and innovation sectors in the UK and Ireland. Since completing our postgraduate education at the University of East Anglia (UK), we have worked in higher education, academia and research before pursuing freelance careers with a wide range of public and private sector clients. In 2018 we relocated to West Cork, Ireland to pursue our dream of establishing our own business and building a sustainable and resilient future for our children.  We have an organic smallholding and produce much of our own food, keep bees and continue work to enhance the biodiversity of the land. We aim to live a net-zero life and run a net-zero business by 2030. We operate a low impact business: we are a paperless company; we operate from a digital rural hub; all work-related transport is via public transport (where feasible) and/or battery electric car; we only purchase refurbished IT equipment.

Portrait of Lisa Johnson

Lisa has a degree in Environmental Sciences and an MSc in Atmospheric Science. She has extensive experience in the higher education and environmental research sectors, providing strategic leadership, project management and research impact and innovation services. She has a reputation for providing strong and positive team leadership ensuring efficient and effective project delivery.

She has particular expertise in analysing and synthesising climate and marine science for policy and societal impact. She has successfully worked with public and private sector clients across the UK and Ireland delivering high quality and high impact project outputs.

Portrait of Lisa Johnson

Martin has a degree in Environmental Sciences and a PhD in Marine Biogeochemistry. He has extensive expertise in theoretical and applied marine research including in marine carbon dioxide removal technologies and associated risks, aquaculture systems development and environmental impacts of aquaculture, autonomous observing systems and marine chemistry.

He has a strong reputation for rigorous thinking and application of numerical and statistical models to solve problems. With a background in observation-based research, he is able to translate problems across the ‘data-model divide’ and generate novel and valuable insights. He is an author on more than 30 peer-reviewed scientific publications and 3 patents.

Charlie, a dog, sitting in a field in Cork, Ireland